Top 10 favourite characters in Boboiboy(the original series)
Over the course of five years, the Boboiboy franchise had run over 50 episodes and a movie, which introduced a number of characters. Some were heroes, some were villains, some like to scam people with insane price levels and some are just plain background fodder. Today, among all these many characters I'm gonna do a list of my top ten favourite characters that are introduced in the original Boboiboy series and the movie.
P.S. This lists includes characters which are introduced for the first time in the Boboiboy series and Boboiboy the Movie. Characters that appeared for the first time in Boboiboy Galaxy won't be included. Example, Motobot.
P.S.S. I won't count Boboiboy's separate forms(Boboiboy Blaze, Boboiboy Thunderstorm, etc) as separate characters because they are all basically Boboiboy. Speaking of him,
P.S.S.S. I won't be counting Boboiboy because...well, umm, err, he's the main character. Yeah, yeah, he's the main character. There, you have it.
P.S.S.S.S. This list is based on my opinion.
P.S.S.S.S.S. Wow, that's a lot of P.S.s.
With that, let's get to the list!
Another interesting about him is he is the second elemental power user in the series. And I'm pretty sure you guys knew, people with elemental pwoer are awesome. Just look at Avatar Aang and Avatar Korra. They are elemental users, and they know how to whoop out all of their foes. With powers based of Boboiboy, and enhanced by Adudu, Boboibot became one of Boboiboy's toughest foes. He died in the same season he was introduced, but we fans still loved him, and wished he would return in Galaxy for another duke against upgraded Boboiboy.

Or that's just me.
Beside wearing modest clothes, she is also very caring. Always looking out for others and protecting them from danger, not just towards her friends but including everyone. Including animals. And aliens. She prefers peace over fighting and if she could, she would like to avoid hurting anybody. But if she had to, she would certainly give you a good beating. No, seriously she would probably punch you to the moon.
Though, I would prefer a different colour for her. Pink just seems stereotypical to me.
P.S. Anybody who had seen Boboiboy Galaxy Episode 5, do you notice that Yaya seem to have a crush on Boboiboy. Or I am just being too imaginative?

Really, he's so arrogant, cocky, stuck up, cruel, and a bunch of other bad attributes. But at the same time, it what makes him an interesting character, showing that not everybody is good and kind and goody-goody. His red mark on his face, is it a scar? A tattoo? A birthmark? This is yet to be revealed.
He poses a major threat towards Boboiboy and his friends near the end of season 2 and early season 3. Especially since he had a Battle Robot and an armour. His cruelty and sadistic personality makes him seems like a green mini version of Borara. He also knows how to pull off some convincing acts, such as cowering in fear. But in the end, thanks to his rival and Boboiboy's team up, he had to whimper back home in defeat. He attempted to get an upgrade in order to get back at Boboiboy for revenge but when he returned to Earth, he was unfortunate enough to stumble upon the greatest space rebel in the galaxy.
After being defeated by Kaizo, he was last seen teleported into Kaizo's spaceship and his fate afterwards is unknown. Is he being chucked off to a space prison, just like the rest of the Tengkotak members? Who knows?
Should you love it? Or hate him? I would go for the "Love to hate", and I really want him to return in Boboiboy Galaxy as Boboiboy's big villain for the season.
Also, he kinda had a tendency to name his stuff after embarassing stuff.

-has a team of deadly aliens, each with their own powers/abilities and roles in the team
-has a big spaceship, filled with guns and blasters should they need to chase down a big target, or get engulfed in a space battle. Not to mention, it houses deadly weapons. One which is a robot land shark...
-masters the black hole manipulation power
-if looks could kill, children who stumbled upon him might faint in fear(get what I mean?)
-has a battle armor, equipped with a battle hammer which can be used together with his black hole power
-is an absolute jerk, cruel, sadistic, and other stuff like that
Wait. What does cool, being a jerk and cruel has to do with anything? Nothing. It's just what he seems in my eye. He is such a cool, amazing, threatening, powerful, awesome, deadly villain that has ever appeared in the series. And I love villains that are cool, amazing, powerful, awesome and deadly. That's why I'm having him as my second favourite character in the series.
Wait. Not the first? Yup. Sorry, Borara but I had someone else in my mind. This guy isn't a villain(well, not exactly) but he is also cool, amazing, threatening, powerful, awesome and deadly. And according to a theory widzilla brought up, this guy is responsible for you to lose your ear. Yes, folks. It's deadly obvious. My number one favourite character is...
10. Papazola

Yeah, that one.
I know not everyone will choose him as their favorite character. It's perfectly understandable. He's really, really annoying. Seriouly, just watch the whole Season 2 and a couple of Season 3 episodes and you'll understand. Urgh. "So, if you find him annoying why is he on your list?" you might say. Well, even though I find him annoying, I also find him pretty funny. He delivers the best lines-apart from Boboiboy's tagline-and pulls of some of the best acts in the series. His hilarious character gives comedy to this franchise, which is one of the reasons why this franchise is so awesome. In my opinion, that is.
But he isn't just a comic relief character. He's a caring character, who loves his students so, so much-even if he sometimes leave them when things get tough. But hey, they're superheroes. They can handle themselves. So, that justifies Papazola's actions, I guess. There are also a few instances where he helped Boboiboy and his friends during dire situations.
During the Boboibot arc, Who was responsible for Boboiboy gaining his water power, thus enabling him to defeat Boboibot?
During the movie, who saved J-Rex's life, which causes J-Rex to save his and Boboiboy and his friends in return?
During Boboiboy Galaxy Episode 6, who-whoops! Spoiler alert! I can't tell you. There might be people who hadn't watched that episode yet.
Because of your contributions, Papazola, I think you deserve a spot on my list.
Adudu created this robot copy of Boboiboy in order to imitate his powers and looks-and at the same time overpower him. Hence, the name. Yeah, it's a pun. But when Boboibot first appeared on television, I though he was supposed to be a mindless robot, just like his other minions. But, then to my surprise he actually has a personality. Like Probe. Which is cool! I could describe his personality as self-absorbed, proud, prideful, smooth-tongued, a jerk and egoistic. Yeah, even robots have egos. This can be seen during Season 3 Episode 20, when Boboibot is declared a failure by Adudu because he failed to defeat Boboiboy Water, and couldn't even use his new water power efficiently. Boboibot, enraged decided to show of his true potential. By drowning the entire island. Yup, this robot definitely has an ego.
Papazola? Really? That very, very annoying guy who keeps making foolish antics all the time?

Yeah, that one.
I know not everyone will choose him as their favorite character. It's perfectly understandable. He's really, really annoying. Seriouly, just watch the whole Season 2 and a couple of Season 3 episodes and you'll understand. Urgh. "So, if you find him annoying why is he on your list?" you might say. Well, even though I find him annoying, I also find him pretty funny. He delivers the best lines-apart from Boboiboy's tagline-and pulls of some of the best acts in the series. His hilarious character gives comedy to this franchise, which is one of the reasons why this franchise is so awesome. In my opinion, that is.
But he isn't just a comic relief character. He's a caring character, who loves his students so, so much-even if he sometimes leave them when things get tough. But hey, they're superheroes. They can handle themselves. So, that justifies Papazola's actions, I guess. There are also a few instances where he helped Boboiboy and his friends during dire situations.
During the Boboibot arc, Who was responsible for Boboiboy gaining his water power, thus enabling him to defeat Boboibot?
During the movie, who saved J-Rex's life, which causes J-Rex to save his and Boboiboy and his friends in return?
During Boboiboy Galaxy Episode 6, who-whoops! Spoiler alert! I can't tell you. There might be people who hadn't watched that episode yet.
Because of your contributions, Papazola, I think you deserve a spot on my list.
9. Adudu

The main antagonist of the series, and a very typical villain, right? 'Cause all he do is failing every time he tries to defeat the main protagonist and constantly beats up his incompotent sidekick for being a fool. Yup, very typical. But for some reason, I like him. What's the reason? I like him because he's the type of villain who:
A. has a dark backstory
B. looks super freaking cool
C. turned good
D. killed people
The answer guess it, D! Just kidding, of course it's C. I was thrilled when, during early season 3, Adudu decided to be good. Because having a bad guy-who's sole purpose is to oppose the good guys-turning into good-which means siding with the good guys-is so cool! I enjoyed those moments during season 3 where Adudu and Boboiboy work together to help citizens with their daily problems, kick some villains who dares to disturb the peace, and save the day. Ahh, the good times...Until his mother arrived and made him return to evil.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(goes on for three months three weeks three days three nights three hours three minutes three seconds)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........
Okay, I calmed down.
Yeah, when this moment happened, I felt dissapointed. Yeah, I knew that Monsta has to revert him to evil because they still need a villain for Boboiboy to beat up. But, the dissapointment is still there. Thankfully, I had learn to let that feeling go and watch future episodes of Boboiboy without any feeling of contempt. Though, I still miss good Adudu. But I think, maybe, just MAYBE in the future Adudu will return to good and join Boboiboy and his gang on their quest tocatch all those poke search all of the power spheres before they fall into the hands of evil aliens. It isn't confirmed yet(and it may take a few seasons for this to happen), but it's a possibility that I am looking forward to.
Before Adudu dies in a tragic way that leaves a permanent scar on Boboiboy and his buddies. That would be so cool.
A. has a dark backstory
B. looks super freaking cool
C. turned good
D. killed people
The answer guess it, D! Just kidding, of course it's C. I was thrilled when, during early season 3, Adudu decided to be good. Because having a bad guy-who's sole purpose is to oppose the good guys-turning into good-which means siding with the good guys-is so cool! I enjoyed those moments during season 3 where Adudu and Boboiboy work together to help citizens with their daily problems, kick some villains who dares to disturb the peace, and save the day. Ahh, the good times...Until his mother arrived and made him return to evil.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(goes on for three months three weeks three days three nights three hours three minutes three seconds)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........
Okay, I calmed down.
Yeah, when this moment happened, I felt dissapointed. Yeah, I knew that Monsta has to revert him to evil because they still need a villain for Boboiboy to beat up. But, the dissapointment is still there. Thankfully, I had learn to let that feeling go and watch future episodes of Boboiboy without any feeling of contempt. Though, I still miss good Adudu. But I think, maybe, just MAYBE in the future Adudu will return to good and join Boboiboy and his gang on their quest to
Before Adudu dies in a tragic way that leaves a permanent scar on Boboiboy and his buddies. That would be so cool.
8.Tok Aba
Tok Aba brings the show the element that is currently fading in the western world. Family love. Sure he isn't Boboiboy's real father, but he's Boboiboy's grandfather. That's pretty close enough. He provides Boboiboy the family love when his parents aren't there for him because they space? Because by looking at the postcard they sent to Boboiboy, it seems like they took a picture from a spaceship or something. What are they doing in space? Could they actually be aliens? Or one of them is an alien? Then that would mean Boboiboy is an alien descendant! That might explain that glorious white strands of hair he has on his head.
Well, I guess that's a theory for another day.
Yeah, I have nothing else to say. Sorry. Moving on!
Well, I guess that's a theory for another day.
Yeah, I have nothing else to say. Sorry. Moving on!
He appeared as a very, very minor character in the movie, but plays an important role in the movie, in a way I bet fans didn't expect. Without his help, Boboiboy and his friends would had been crushed by Borara and his team. After watching the movie, I thought it will take quite some time before he returns in Galaxy, as a minor character.
Boy, I was so wrong.

P.S. I'm not THAT surprised. Just a little bit.
In the first episode, he is the first character to appear on screen-with Motobot, of course and excluding the prolouge. From the first episode only, we find out that SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO SOMEHOW HADN'T WATCHED THE FIRST EPISODE YET he is a member of the T.A.P.O.P.S. group and he is travelling the galaxy to search for power spheres before they fall into the hands of evil, dastardly aliens SPOILER ENDS. Thus, he plays an important role in the series. Dude, I really should had seen this coming.
Seeing a very, very minor character getting introduced as a main character in the new series makes me excited. This opens opportunities for major character development for Kokoci. Maybe we get to see Kokoci's past. Like, the time when he got enrolled into TAPOPS. His stance as the ONLY Atata Tiga alien who isn't a power hungry or a money scamming dude makes him more interesting. Also, love that blackglasses gag.
At this point, you might think he couldn't get any more dangerous. Think again, because he has one final trump card. Thanks to his cybernetic modifications, he has to ability to undergo metamorphosis which causes his body to grow larger and bigger-roughly doubling his orginal size! Thus, increasing his strength and...leaving him shirtless. I bet he's lucky his lower body is made out of metal.
But anyway, you couldn't deny Gaganaz is the one of the most fierce, brutal and biggest(figuratively and literally) threat Boboiboy and his friends had ever faced. Which is why Tengkotak is the most powerful and feared power-sphere-hunting-team in the galaxy.
6. Gaganaz

Ganaz a.k.a. Ganas which translates to Malay means Fierce. And Gaganaz certainly lives up to that. He is one of the biggest and bulkiest Atata Tiga aliens ever seen and if that isn't enough he has two cybernetic arms on his back. And with the jets on his back, he can fly if needed. Yup, you heard it right. He can fly.At this point, you might think he couldn't get any more dangerous. Think again, because he has one final trump card. Thanks to his cybernetic modifications, he has to ability to undergo metamorphosis which causes his body to grow larger and bigger-roughly doubling his orginal size! Thus, increasing his strength and...leaving him shirtless. I bet he's lucky his lower body is made out of metal.
But anyway, you couldn't deny Gaganaz is the one of the most fierce, brutal and biggest(figuratively and literally) threat Boboiboy and his friends had ever faced. Which is why Tengkotak is the most powerful and feared power-sphere-hunting-team in the galaxy.
5. Boboibot

Another interesting about him is he is the second elemental power user in the series. And I'm pretty sure you guys knew, people with elemental pwoer are awesome. Just look at Avatar Aang and Avatar Korra. They are elemental users, and they know how to whoop out all of their foes. With powers based of Boboiboy, and enhanced by Adudu, Boboibot became one of Boboiboy's toughest foes. He died in the same season he was introduced, but we fans still loved him, and wished he would return in Galaxy for another duke against upgraded Boboiboy.

Or that's just me.
4. Yaya Yah

One of the main cast in the series, and constantly getting shipped with Boboiboy because, well, they are both muslims, and Malayans. Just like me! And my family. And most of the people living in Malaysia. It's even in the name. The one thing that makes her stand out is her design. A covered fully covered clothing, from head to toe. Okay, it's a muslimah design. Happy? But, you gotta admit, even in her-urgh-muslimah design she still looks cool. Which proves girls can look cool without wearing clothes that exposed their, umm, err, hmm, body. Yeah, body. That's what I'm trying to say. Body. Seriously, how the friggin heck gosh, damn it someone could feel comfortable wearing clothes like that?!!! And don't start with those beach party clothes. Urgh. Jeez.Beside wearing modest clothes, she is also very caring. Always looking out for others and protecting them from danger, not just towards her friends but including everyone. Including animals. And aliens. She prefers peace over fighting and if she could, she would like to avoid hurting anybody. But if she had to, she would certainly give you a good beating. No, seriously she would probably punch you to the moon.
Though, I would prefer a different colour for her. Pink just seems stereotypical to me.
P.S. Anybody who had seen Boboiboy Galaxy Episode 5, do you notice that Yaya seem to have a crush on Boboiboy. Or I am just being too imaginative?
3. Ejojo

From what I seen, he is the first villain introduced in the series who is such a jerk!
Really, he's so arrogant, cocky, stuck up, cruel, and a bunch of other bad attributes. But at the same time, it what makes him an interesting character, showing that not everybody is good and kind and goody-goody. His red mark on his face, is it a scar? A tattoo? A birthmark? This is yet to be revealed.
He poses a major threat towards Boboiboy and his friends near the end of season 2 and early season 3. Especially since he had a Battle Robot and an armour. His cruelty and sadistic personality makes him seems like a green mini version of Borara. He also knows how to pull off some convincing acts, such as cowering in fear. But in the end, thanks to his rival and Boboiboy's team up, he had to whimper back home in defeat. He attempted to get an upgrade in order to get back at Boboiboy for revenge but when he returned to Earth, he was unfortunate enough to stumble upon the greatest space rebel in the galaxy.
After being defeated by Kaizo, he was last seen teleported into Kaizo's spaceship and his fate afterwards is unknown. Is he being chucked off to a space prison, just like the rest of the Tengkotak members? Who knows?
Should you love it? Or hate him? I would go for the "Love to hate", and I really want him to return in Boboiboy Galaxy as Boboiboy's big villain for the season.
Also, he kinda had a tendency to name his stuff after embarassing stuff.
2. Borara

Borara. One of Boboiboy's biggest villains. He manages to pose a major threat towards Boboiboy and his friends because:-has a team of deadly aliens, each with their own powers/abilities and roles in the team
-has a big spaceship, filled with guns and blasters should they need to chase down a big target, or get engulfed in a space battle. Not to mention, it houses deadly weapons. One which is a robot land shark...
-masters the black hole manipulation power
-if looks could kill, children who stumbled upon him might faint in fear(get what I mean?)
-has a battle armor, equipped with a battle hammer which can be used together with his black hole power
-is an absolute jerk, cruel, sadistic, and other stuff like that
Wait. What does cool, being a jerk and cruel has to do with anything? Nothing. It's just what he seems in my eye. He is such a cool, amazing, threatening, powerful, awesome, deadly villain that has ever appeared in the series. And I love villains that are cool, amazing, powerful, awesome and deadly. That's why I'm having him as my second favourite character in the series.
Wait. Not the first? Yup. Sorry, Borara but I had someone else in my mind. This guy isn't a villain(well, not exactly) but he is also cool, amazing, threatening, powerful, awesome and deadly. And according to a theory widzilla brought up, this guy is responsible for you to lose your ear. Yes, folks. It's deadly obvious. My number one favourite character is...
1. Pak Senin Cowboy's Cat!
Oww! Err, I mean,...
1. Captain Kaizo
I have one thing to say about Captain Kaizo. He is the Best Character To Ever Exist!!! He has such a cool design who looks so anime. Or anime-esque. Animesque? Animesh? This guys at Mosnta have really good taste. They also know how to make him such a powerful character, equipping him with an energy sword, blue-wavey-stuff-that-is-called-energyenergy manipulation power, high agility and flexibility and good swordsmanship skills.
Even though he only appeared for three episodes(not counting cameo appearances), he manages to proved himself as a powerful match against Boboiboy. He:
-destroyed Ejojo's P.E.T.A.I.(pfft) armor with a few simple moves
-punched through Fang's Shadow Shield
-sliced and diced Fang's Shadow Fingers
-blocked Boboiboy's Earth Golem's punch
-kicked the Earth Golem to dust
-stopped Boboiboy's Thunderstrom Slash by simply holding the Thunderstorm Sword(well, he encased his hand with energy, but still...)
-bested Boboiboy Thunderstorm, one of Boboiboy's most powerful forms, in a sword fight
-and broke the Thunderstorm Sword to pieces...
-broke Fang's Invisibility Mask
-able to dodge multiple fast moving Winds Discs
-sliced Boboiboy Cyclone's Hoverboard
-projected a Forcefield so strong it required three Earth Golems to break it
-still able to stand and walk after being severely beaten up to the point his mask cracked
-took out the three Earth Golems with a single FINGER SNAP
-man, he sure does have a habit of breaking things, ehh?
It's obvious we hadn't seen his full potential yet. How does he finger-snapped those Earth Golems to death? I bet, if Kaizo had really gone all out, Boboiboy wouldn't stand a chance. Well, at least his pre-movie state.
He also has an interesting character. You see, he's a famed space rebel across the galaxy. He is on a quest to search the galaxy for power spheres to avoid their powers to fall into evil hands. Oh. So that makes him a good guy, right? Well...
Not exactly.
Because while his intentions are good, his actions are quite violent. I mean, he tries to kill Boboiboy and his friends because they didn't want to comply with him. They are freaking around 11, dude! Kaizo believes that violence is the best method in his quest, which explains his actions.
So, he is basically an antihero. A guy who has heroic intentions but takes actions in unheroic ways. Marvel and DC has tons of these characters, and now Malaysia has their own too. How cool!
His background is pretty shady, as antiheroes always do. Why did he became a space rebel? Why did he believe in an ideology like that? What happened to Fang and his parents? Where did he get all those cool looking stuff? This are all good potential for character development. And, seeing that the blue streaked Captain is confirmed to return in the series, along with his lieutenant, I am estactic for him to appear on screen and have a clash of ideologies against Boboiboy.
So, there you have it folks. My top 10 favourite characters. What do you think? Got any objections? Felt like your character isn't on the list? Feel free to comment below. And if you love stuff like this, follow my blog for more. Cheerio!
By the way, I don't own anything. They all belong to their respective owners.
Even though he only appeared for three episodes(not counting cameo appearances), he manages to proved himself as a powerful match against Boboiboy. He:
-destroyed Ejojo's P.E.T.A.I.(pfft) armor with a few simple moves
-punched through Fang's Shadow Shield
-sliced and diced Fang's Shadow Fingers
-blocked Boboiboy's Earth Golem's punch
-kicked the Earth Golem to dust
-stopped Boboiboy's Thunderstrom Slash by simply holding the Thunderstorm Sword(well, he encased his hand with energy, but still...)
-bested Boboiboy Thunderstorm, one of Boboiboy's most powerful forms, in a sword fight
-and broke the Thunderstorm Sword to pieces...
-broke Fang's Invisibility Mask
-able to dodge multiple fast moving Winds Discs
-sliced Boboiboy Cyclone's Hoverboard
-projected a Forcefield so strong it required three Earth Golems to break it
-still able to stand and walk after being severely beaten up to the point his mask cracked
-took out the three Earth Golems with a single FINGER SNAP
-man, he sure does have a habit of breaking things, ehh?
It's obvious we hadn't seen his full potential yet. How does he finger-snapped those Earth Golems to death? I bet, if Kaizo had really gone all out, Boboiboy wouldn't stand a chance. Well, at least his pre-movie state.
He also has an interesting character. You see, he's a famed space rebel across the galaxy. He is on a quest to search the galaxy for power spheres to avoid their powers to fall into evil hands. Oh. So that makes him a good guy, right? Well...
Not exactly.
Because while his intentions are good, his actions are quite violent. I mean, he tries to kill Boboiboy and his friends because they didn't want to comply with him. They are freaking around 11, dude! Kaizo believes that violence is the best method in his quest, which explains his actions.
So, he is basically an antihero. A guy who has heroic intentions but takes actions in unheroic ways. Marvel and DC has tons of these characters, and now Malaysia has their own too. How cool!
His background is pretty shady, as antiheroes always do. Why did he became a space rebel? Why did he believe in an ideology like that? What happened to Fang and his parents? Where did he get all those cool looking stuff? This are all good potential for character development. And, seeing that the blue streaked Captain is confirmed to return in the series, along with his lieutenant, I am estactic for him to appear on screen and have a clash of ideologies against Boboiboy.
So, there you have it folks. My top 10 favourite characters. What do you think? Got any objections? Felt like your character isn't on the list? Feel free to comment below. And if you love stuff like this, follow my blog for more. Cheerio!
By the way, I don't own anything. They all belong to their respective owners.
Where is Fang ?