05 January 2017

Ejen Ali is a Malaysian cgi-animated show produced by Wau animation. The show is directed by Mr. Usamah Zaid Yasin, one of the ex-founding members of the famed Les’ Copaque Productions Sdn Bhd.  The first episode aired on TV3 on 8 April 2016 and since then had gained many fans, either children or well, non-children. And I’m one of them. And today, I’m gonna give you guys:

13 simple reasons why you should watch Ejen Ali.

13. Gorgeous animation.
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It’s pretty obvious our country’s animation had been improving over the years. You just couldn’t ignore the details Ejen Ali’s animators put into this thing.
12. Amazing soundtrack.
‘Cause a good show couldn’t be perfect without it’s good soundtrack.
11. It’s from Malaysia
Hasil buah tempatan. 100% And we’re Malaysians. If we don’t support our own country’s products, who else will?
10. Futuristic Malaysia.
Underground trains, highly-advanced weaponry, touch-screen technology at a freaking school, alternative energy source(SPOILER Azurium is super obvious SPOILER END) and much, much more stuff seen in the show just screams out “Malaysia of the Future!” And boy, doesn’t it look cool!
9. Engaging storyline
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Despite the redundant cliché of a school boy who seems to fail at everything and only becomes heroic when he’s got the ‘Doraemon’-thingy, the story stills stand out to be engaging for teens like us. Not to mention the emotion portrayed in this show is soooo strong and can be quite deep.
8. The main protagonist cares for cats
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And anyone who cares for cats are cool. So I guess we could appreciate Ali.
7. Family love
The bond between Ali, his uncle Bakar and Comot is just so obvious. And in life, what’s better than family love?
6. It won an award.
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Only after some months on tv. At the Filem Festival Malaysia 28. And it hadn’t even reached a year yet! That’s gotta account for something, right?
5. Amazing action scenes
You never can get enough of these action scenes. Especially when they are so well-choreographed.
4. Woman spys that wore appropriate clothing
No more skin-tight, hyper-exposed, se*ually attractive spy uniforms anymore! Yippee!
3. Ali’s a developing character
He won’t stay as the Nobita-esque kid forever. His character is developing significantly over the series, turning him into a lovable(though, maybe sometimes annoying) character.
2.Mysteries, mysteries, mysteries everywhere!
Why’s the I.R.I.S. project cancelled?! What happened to that big villain dudes’ arms? Who’s UNO?! What is Bakar’s real affliliation? Who were the people responsible for Comot’s current state? SPOILER What happened to Ali’s mum? SPOILER END And much, much more mysteries(some which are trivial) that begs to be solved.
1.And finally, the main reason why you should watch Ejen Ali is…drumroll please…
AlixAlicia is the best shipping…
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Wait, wait, wait. Let me check the script first. Oh, scrap. I miswrote this one. Wait a minute, just a minute…there, all fix. Ahem.
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The best weapon you could have your hand on. It’s a bit hard to explain, and if I do I’ll reveal quite the number of spoilers so it’s best if you just watch the show for yourself!

So, there you have it, my reasons you should watch Ejen Ali. Got any objections? Something I forgot to mentioned? A fatal error in my writing? Please let me know in the comments below. And if you enjoyed this blog post, please support my blog because I (hopefully) will write more goodies like this in the future. Oh, and including Boboiboy Galaxy too. There, you have it.

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