It’s has been a year already and Ejen Ali has run a full season,
consisting of 13 episodes. Among these episodes, a number of characters had been
introduced. Because this show is undoubtedly awesome, it stands to say that
some of these characters are awesome. Today, I will be counting down:
My Top 5 Ejen
Ali Characters
-This list includes charcters from the
Ejen Ali franchise only. Duh.
-Ejen Ali and it’s characters are
property of Wau animation. I don’t own anything.
-This is based on my personal opinion.
And interests.
With that, let’s get to the list!
In fiction where the story centers
around the conflict between the good and evil, sometimes there are several
types of villains. One of them is the evil businessman. For Ejen Ali, it’s
Abang Bear. And the show made it pretty obvious by giving him a ‘tauke’ look,
because everyone(in Malaysia) knows that ‘tauke’s are usually associated with
businesses and wealth and stuff. No offense to real-life ‘tauke’s.
The evil businessman villain are one
of my favourite types of villains. Why? You see, evil businessman villains are
known to be cunning and smart. These two qualities enable these villains to
operate their dirty business secretly without getting noticed by the
authorities-or if the authorities did notice, there’s no proof to apprehend
them. Because they are just that cunning. It also poses a trouble for the
heroes when they are trying to apprehend these villains. Because they are so
cunning, they always get away from the heroes grasps, even when the
opportunities is in front of the heroes eyes. Not to mention, how can you run a
successful business if you’re not smart?
Not to mention, evil businessman
villains can be quite heartless sometimes. Because they usually don’t care
about anyone else and only care about themselves-and their pockets. They don’t
care who get hurts, as long as money keep flowing into their pockets. And we
could see this quality with Abang Bear. He tortures cats for goodness sake. How
could he.
Because I like evil businessman
villains and Abang Bear is the spitting image of it, it’s only fair I put on my
list. But, since he doesn’t really do much(for now), I’m placing him at the
bottom. Hopefully, we got to see more of him in action is season 2.
Also, can someone explain to me what ethnicity
he is? Chinese? Malayan(Kedah)? Mixed? Venezuela? Antartican? I can’t really
tell from his accent. It’s pretty nice, tho…
Dr. Aaron? Who you ask? You know,
that guy who worked under Dr. Tong? That guy who thinks that he is the saviour
of the ‘human species’ and it is his duty to progress the human race?
You know that guy who appeared in
episode 2? The mad scientist type villain?
Ever since he appeared in
introduction episode, he became my favourite villain. In a matter of seconds.
Why do you ask? One word. Motive.
In fiction, a good character must
have one of these characteristics. Motive. And Dr. Aaron fits the bill.
From the very first episode the
writers revealed Dr. Aaron motives. Straight upfront. He wants to progress the human ‘species’. To
bring them to an age of prosperity and harmony. Sort of. I guess. That doesn’t
sound like anything evil, right? So why is he a villain?
Well, good motives are good motives,
but it’s the execution what matters. In order to achieve this noble dream of
his, he went to…quite unethical measures. From the very early episode, we seen
him trying his invention which he claims ‘could advance the human race’. And
from the looks of it, it probably could! But there’s one problem; it robs human
of their humanity. It controls humans minds and turns into mindless slaves.
Unable to think, speak or have emotions. All they do is work, work, work. As
they were instructed to. Like robots.
Well that got dark. Dang, this show
is awesome!
When I think about this motive, I notice something. An opportunity. A golden opportunity, for Dr. Aaron's character development. How does Dr. Aaron thinks about stuff like
human emotions and love? Does he consider them as obstacles for mankind’s
development? If so, how will he handle 'remove' these ‘obstacles’? Does he really have
the means of ‘bringing out the full potential of humankind’ as he claims, in
his own image?
I believe, if the show explore Dr. Aaron’s motives more deeply, it will give him significant and amazing character development, thus making him an awesome villain, which in turn makes him a major threat against CyberRaya and possibility, humanity itself.
Heh. Ironic.
But since he’s probably in custody
right now, he really couldn’t do much for now. Which is why he is not on the number
one spot.
One word: HOT. Full stop.
Okay, she’s one of Uno’s main man. Or
woman, in her case.
She and her partner plays an
important role in Uno’s scheme to take over MATA. Such as stealing IRIS’s
blueprint, recruit Dr. Aaron into their faction and much more.
Being introduced into the series from
the very start, she proved to be a formidable and challenging foe for Ali and
his companions.
Besides being very agile and
flexible, she is equipped with an array of weapons. From booster shoes to
energy blades. But her signature weapon is her 2 shox stix, which she wears as a hairpin. She uses them by throwing them at her enemies to stun them with an
electric attack, thus immobilizing them.
Wow, I know she’s hot, but I didn’t
know she could be quite ‘stunning’.
But the best thing about her is her
suit. As the norm with female spy in fiction, she wore a full body suit which
mainly consists of black. But unlike other female spies, her suit is actually
pretty modest. No exposed, err, chest, no skin-tight suit that exposed her,
well, stuff or anything that’s got to do with it. Finally! A modest looking
female spy.
But, despite being modest, she still
looks…you guess it. HOT.
Ah, that famous Inviso agent. That
handsome looking dude in the white suit. The skilled infiltrator who always
walks around with that lollipop.
When he made his debut in episode 2,
I thought he will be that jerk-ish, arrogant handsome dude who will constantly
harass Ali throughout the show. But, in the very same episode, my views
changed. From spite to awe and admiration. Words aren’t enough to describe how
cool and amazing Rizwan’s fighting skills. You just have to watch it for
yourself. Seriously, he knows the position of the human body’s pressure points.
Rizwan doesn’t really like Ali, but
for a good reason. Unlike Alicia who’s a plain jerk. He believes that Ali will
be an obstacle for future MATA’s operations and get in the way of the mission…and
he’s kinda right. Any Ejen Ali fan can approve this. But unlike Alicia, Rizwan
decides to something with Ali so he would no longer be a burden for MATA. What
does he do? He becames his…jeng jeng jeng…Ali’s mentor!
Thanks to his strict and stern(but
necessary) mentoring, Ali became the amazing agent and the less annoying brat as
recently in the series. His relationship with Ali became quite close. In fact,
I think he’s one of the few people who are supportive of Ali. Kudos to you,
Oh! Had I mentioned that it’s later
revealed that he wasn’t always the cold person he was now? He actually used to
be(apparently) more cheerful but that all changed after the Leader of the
Inviso Core died in the explosion…who was actually his beloved mentor. Whom he
considered like a father. Ohhh…how sad.
But luckily, his mentor did survived
the incident. And he…wants to take over MATA? What?! He turned traitor? What?!!And
he even tries to kill his protégé? What?!!!
Hmm…I wonder. After all this ordeal,
I wonder how Rizwan will think of his mentor after this? I guess we just have
to wait for season 2 to find out…
1 1. Ali
, Yup, folks.
You heard it right. It’s Ali. Ali bin Ghazali. Ali, the main character of the
Ali has gone
a long way since the very start of the series. At first, he’s the cliché
‘nobita boy’, being irresponsible, lazy, doesn’t follow orders, always slacking
in studies, getting late to school, annoying and anything that goes with it.
But as the series progress, his character develop significantly. In fact, I
think he had the most character development in the series. He’s the main
character after all.
From the annoying,
cringe-inducing, lazy, hopeless brat to a less annoying, less cringe-inducing,
less lazy, less hopeless brat and a more potent, capable, skilled, cool and an
awesome kid, especially in his skills as an agent. He tooks his responsibility
as an agent more seriously now, and trains as hard as he can in order to be the
best spy agent. And his training did pay off, as recently in the series he was
able to stand against powerful enemies such as Dos and Trez.
And he gotten really, really good with those Aero boots.
Not to
mention, he also seems to be improving in his studies. He starts to arrive at
school early and manages to answer his teacher’s questions in the class.
actually a tragic tale behind Ali. You see, his mother is…dead. Well, she isn’t
confirmed to be dead but for now, let’s presume that’s the case. While his dad
is far too busy with his work to spend time with family. He’s one of the main contributors
of CyberRaya, after all. So, this means Ali is lacking parental attention.
That’s probably the reason why Ali is lacking in his studies. Lack of attention
and love from his parents. I start to feel sorry for him.
Oh, had I
mentioned how caring and passionate Ali is? Yup, you heard that right. Ali
actually cares about other people’s wellbeing. And it isn’t limited to humans
only. It includes cats! Cute, cuddly little cats. When anyone is in trouble,
Ali would do his best to help that person. When he sees people that cares gets
hurt, he gets pissed off. In fact, it’s the reason why, in the season one
finale, IRIS manages to take over Ali. And because of this, IRIS-controlled-Ali
manages to beat the heck of out Uno’s faction. Take that, bad guys! That’s what
you get for hurting Bakar.
Yeah, Ali
might still make a blunder sometimes, but trust him, if things gets tough and
requires Ali’s unique abilities, you can bet Ali will get the job done.
So, there’s
my list of “My top 5 Ejen Ali characters”. Did I miss anyone? Got something you
disagree with? Is my writing good or complete trash? Please let me know in the comments. And if you’re a fan of Ejen
Ali(and Boboiboy) and want more goodies like this, please support my blog.